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Writer's pictureBooty By Me

why 10,000 steps?

For as long as I can remember, 10,000 steps has been the daily step count to reach. But why? Interestingly enough 10,000 steps originates from a Japanese company who created a device called the Manpo-kei, this translates to ’10,000 steps matter’ Essentially a marketing tool to help sell a product. In saying that, if you can reach 10,000 daily steps you can burn up to 500 extra calories daily.

Now it is important to understand that 10,000 steps may not be the right goal for you. The most important thing is that you are active as much as you possibly can be. If you are building muscle then a higher step counter may be counter productive as it may have a negative impact on your increased calories. However if cutting fat is your goal 10,000 steps or higher will be fantastic way to aid the cutting process.

If 10,000 daily steps is not the right goal for you then maybe you should consider NEAT.


What is NEAT? Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Essentially the unintentional activity carried out throughout your day. So for example, going to the toilet, or filling up your water bottle to get up out of your seat when you’re at work. Other ways I manipulate my NEAT is by parking my car a bit further away from my destination so that I can increase my NEAT levels (and inadvertently my step count). These little things all contribute to my daily energy expenditure.

Here are some more ways in which you can increase your NEAT:

  1. Housework - daily household chores can help increase your NEAT

  2. Take the stairs - instead of the lift

  3. Go for a walk - if you can go for a walk on your lunch break

  4. Stand up - sitting for too long can have a negative effect on your health, you could try standing up throughout the day.

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